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Simple Hire in Ukraine
Setting up your business in Ukraine usually requires establishing a local entity,which can be complex. Brix handles compliance with labor laws and taxes, from collecting tax documents to managing payroll. Trust Brix for global employment solutions, even without a local entity.
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Facts & Stats
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Talent Distribution
Developer Avg Salary
$20,000 - $30,000/yr
Essential benefits tailored for Ukraine
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ensuring a competitive and rewarding employee experience with Brix.
Social Security
Pay & Taxes
Leave Policy
Time Off
Pay & Taxes
Leave Policy
Time Off
Employment Contract Details
Contracts in Ukraine should be in English or Ukrainian and may be bilingual. They must be in writing and signed by both parties. A contract should include the names and addresses of both parties, the start date, end date if applicable, place of work, job description, salary details including supplements, payment date, working hours, duration of annual holidays, notice periods, and probation period.
Working Hours and Overtime
Employees in Ukraine typically work a maximum of 40 hours per week, equivalent to eight hours per day. They must be provided with at least 11 hours of resting time between two working days. Overtime must be explicitly stated in the employee's contract, with higher wage earners not eligible for overtime payments. Overtime compensation ceases at approximately €80K per annum in Western Ukraine or €70K per annum in Eastern Ukraine.
Probationary Period
While not obligatory, probation periods are allowed in employment contracts. There is no mandated minimum duration for probation. For non-blue collar employees, the trial period can last up to 90 days (3 months), while for blue-collar employees, it is limited to one month.
Non-compete Agreements
Non-compete agreements are not legally enforceable in Ukraine.
Pay & Taxes
Minimum Wage Requirements
The minimum wage in Ukraine is 7100 UAH per month.
Individual Income Tax
Individual income tax rates in Ukraine are fixed at 18%. Additionally, employees are subject to a military tax of 1.5% on their income.
Payroll Cost
Employer costs in Ukraine are typically estimated at 22.6% of an employee's salary. This includes contributions to retirement (9.30%), health insurance (8.61%), unemployment security (1.30%), long-term insurance fee (1.7%), accident security (1.14%), maternity (0.51%), and insolvency money levy (0.06%). There may be variations in percentages due to contribution limits imposed by some employers. Additionally, there is a one-time mandatory fee of $80 USD for handling wet ink employment agreements.
Leave Policy
Parental Leave
Maternity Leave
Female employees in Ukraine are entitled to 126 calendar days of maternity leave for the birth of one child without complications. If there are complications during birth or if the employee gives birth to two or more children, the entitlement is extended to 140 calendar days. For employees who adopt a newborn directly from the maternity ward, 56 calendar days of maternity leave are granted. Maternity leave must include 70 days taken before the expected date of delivery and 56 or 70 days after birth, depending on the circumstances. This leave is paid for by the Social Insurance Fund at 100% of the employee’s regular salary.
Paternity Leave
In Ukraine, there is no specific law regarding paternity leave. However, employees may be entitled to childcare leave.
Shared Parental Leave
Parents in Ukraine can take up to 3 years of parental leave per child, with a minimum payment of EUR 300 and a maximum of EUR 1,800 from the state parental allowance fund. The payment is based on the last 12 months' gross salary after tax and health insurance deductions. Notice of 7 weeks is required before starting parental leave, and it cannot be extended.
Sick Leave
Employees in Ukraine are entitled to sick leave based on specific criteria:
  • For temporary disability, employees are entitled to sick leave for up to 4 months continuously from the date the disability began. For recurring diseases, the entitlement is up to 5 months due to the same disease or its complications within the last 12 months, except for tuberculosis, which allows for sick leave within 10 months from the onset date.
  • Sick leave is paid at varying rates, ranging from 50% to 100% of the employee’s regular salary, depending on their length of employment insurance record. The first 5 days are paid at 100% by the employer, while subsequent days are paid at 50-100% by the Social Security Fund, based on the length of the employment insurance record.
    Termination Requirements
    • Terminations must adhere to intricate regulations both internally and according to the laws of the employee's country of employment. Off-boarding procedures are always managed by the employer in collaboration with key stakeholders. This process may involve additional fees and specific steps tailored to each termination case.
    • Terminating employment in Ukraine can be challenging due to its complexity. Unlike in some jurisdictions, there is no provision for at-will termination in Ukraine for employers beyond the probation period, requiring termination to be justified. Acceptable terminations must be based on valid reasons, ensuring compliance with Ukrainian labor laws.
    Notice Period
    The notice period for termination varies depending on the grounds for dismissal
    • By mutual agreement: No notice period
    • During the probation period: 3 days of notice
    • Voluntarily by the employee: 14 days of notice
    • Unilaterally by the employer in cases of redundancy: 2 months of notice
      Severance for Employees
      Severance pay is provided to employees who are dismissed from work, not by their own initiative. The amount of severance pay is determined based on the circumstances of the contract termination. Severance pay ranges from one month's salary for certain cases such as refusal to transfer to another organization or employee's incompatibility with the position, to up to three months' salary for violations by the employer or authorized body. Additionally, corporate officers are entitled to a severance pay of six months of average salary.
      Time Off
      Paid Time Off
      Employees in Ukraine are entitled to a minimum of 24 days of paid time off (PTO) per year. The allocation of PTO varies depending on the employee's category:
      • Employees in the first or second category of disabled persons receive 30 days of PTO.
      • Employees in the third category of disabled persons receive 26 days of PTO.
      • Employees under the age of 18 are granted 31 days of PTO.
      • Seasonal workers receive PTO proportional to their time worked.
      PTO after completing 6 months of continuous employment.
        Public Holidays
        Ukraine observes 12 public holidays throughout the year. These national public holidays include:
        • New Year
        • Orthodox Christmas Day
        • International Women's Day
        • Labor Day
        • Easter
        • Victory Day over Nazism in World War II
        • Trinity
        • Constitution Day
        • Day of Ukrainian Statehood
        • Independence Day
        • Defender’s Day
        • Christmas
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