
About us

Empowering 98% of Global Software Engineers, Not Just the Top 2%

You can hire world-class candidates at a lower cost, as your hiring scope won't be limited by national boundaries. We achieve this through unbiased and measurable vetting systems, remote team management tools, and HR administration tools. Our aim is to enable hiring from anywhere, at any time, for anyone.

About Us

Our Values


The best developers are the ones that love what they do. Let’s make sure your team shares your values.


Reduce manpower and resource investment in administrative tasks to make the organization more flexible.


Successful leaders can trust their team members. Connect with developers that you can rely on.


Data-driven = growth-oriented. Tap into the power of AI to build, scale, and connect easier.



Our Revolutionary AI HR Products

Our Vision

Dive into the future workplace with high-end HR tools.

Reach out today and strengthen your team with our recruitment automation software. If you’re not sure exactly what you need, then book a free call with us to discover how we can help.